An essay for beginner
and intermediate reversers, who can learn an interesting "time activated" protection.
Plus, some nice info about the TRW execution patterns. Advanced readers can of course proceed and
fully reverse
the application if needed.(I'm sure you'll find a more elegant method to patch
Vbox builder 4.2 if you deem it necessary, I just wanted to highlight some aspects of this
interesting protection that can be defeated using TRW).
is a very good tool, yet somehow underestimated by the cracking and reversers communities.
You can learn some basic
usage approaches redaing this essay of mine
TR for windows(version 0.72;You know that Vbox 4.2 has its anti-softice and other debugger routines)
TR for Win95/98(TRW) is a great debugger running in Win95/98. TRW can trace DOS COM, DOS EXE, DOS protected mode, 16bit NE, 32bit PE applications, and trace ring 0 kernel VxD. TRW run in Win95, OSR2, Win98. ttp://
SoftIce (we need it always)
VBox Builder (a tool to add Vbox to your programs, very useful for cracking purposes too, eh eh)
TimeLock by PreviewSoft has long and glorious history (of its cracking: Timelock has always been a 'worthy' protection
scheme). Vbox is "a new beginning" of a kind. It's different
from its predecessors almost to the loss of any ancestorial resemblance.
First of all, install the VBox builder (you need to get a .prv file from their webserver, so connect to the internet for this and fill the form needed). Then choose a .EXE file to protect (you could choose also a .DLL or an .OCX, but choose an .EXE coz it's better and easier for cracking purposes.I choose Official phrozen crew trial crackme) and wrap it with VBox using the builder (choose now the Trial days protection).
Now the fun begins. And as we can easily see, the whole VBox protection scheme consist of only one dll which is copied into your \WINDOWS\VBox\command directories. The name of our target DLL is vboxt402.dll. It is packed.
Step 1:
Here I'll show you how to use TRW.
Run TRW,select "hide" button.
Then a green icon appear at right corner.
You can hit right button on it.It appear like that.
Step 2: Let's change time to 30 days later.Now you can run crackme.exe.When VBox window appear.CTRL-N,enter TRW.You can use "hwnd" find VBox window's hwnd.Something like xxxx.
bpmsg xxxx wm_destroy; just like in softice.
g; come back to VBox.
Press "quit" button.
Now you are in TRW.
bc *;clear break point.
press F12 a few times.Until you come here in vboxt402.dll.
07006079: call [dword dialogparama]
0700607f: mov esi,eax; If you press "try" eax=0,if you press "quit" eax=1; so change eax to 0. r eax 0.
There have some others check.
07001c03: cmp [ebp-10],eax; If eax=[ebp-10],error dialog will appear.So change eax .
07001c06: jne 07001c2c
07001c08: lea eax,[ebp+10]
07001c0b: lea ecx,[ebp-74]
07001c0e: push eax
07001c0f: mov [ebp-78],ebx
07001c12: call 0702e7d0
07001c17: lea eax,[ebp-7c]
07001c1a: push 07070568
07001c1f: push eax
07001c20: mov [dword ebp-7c],0706e004
07001c27: call 070570a0
07001c2c: lea ecx,[ebp-28]
07001c2f: mov [byte ebp-040,04
07001c2c: lea ecx,[ebp-28]
07001c2f: mov [byte ebp-04],04
07001c33: call 0702d440
07001c38: lea ecx,[ebp-18]
07001c3b: mov [byte ebp-04],02
07001c3f: call 0702d440
07001c7c: call 07032570
07001c71: cmp [ebp-10],eax; Another check.
07001c74: jne 07001f9b; If eax=[ebp-10],error dialog will appear. So change eax.
Ok, now theoretically our patch is done....
1.07006079: call [dword dialogparama] patch to
07006079: xor eax,eax
0700607b: nop
0700607c: nop
0700607d: nop
0700607e: nop
2.07001c06: jne 07001c2c to 07001c06:jmp 07001c2c
3.07001c74: jne 07001f9b to 07001c74:jmp 07001f9b
VBox screen will not appear anymore BUT: we just did it in memory, that's not permanent, as you all know very well... We must now apply our patch on the real file. But vboxt403.dll is packed?
Close TRW. (TRW's bpm function doesn't seem to work there)
Let run softice.(Vbox Unpacked code firstly,then check softice)
load crackme.exe
bpm xxxx: 07006079 w;
Ok, so set this breakpoint and rerun. You will land in vboxt410.dll here:
009c01b7: repz movsd
009c01b9: mov ecx,edx
009c01bb: and ecx,03
Oh!My GOD!! It is encrypted before running. Therefore you could't find these code inside vboxt410.dll.
bpm xxxx: 009c01b7 w;
so set this breakpoint and rerun.You will land in here:
00a001b7:repz movsd
00a001b9:mov ecx,edx
00a001bb:and ecx,03
Try again.
bpm xxxx:00a001b7 w;
so set this breakpoint and rerun.You will land in here:
07093c27:mov [edi],al
07093c23:inc edi
07093c24:inc ebp
Try again.
bpm xxxx:070093c27 w;
so set this breakpoint and rerun.You will land in here:
:07093422 03D0 add edx, eax |
:07093424 C1E902 shr ecx, 02 |
:07093427 F3 repz |
:07093428 A5 movsd; here!!! |
:07093429 8BCD mov ecx, ebp |
:0709342B 89542414 mov dword ptr [esp+14], edx |
:0709342F 83E103 and ecx, 00000003 |
:07093432 F3 repz |
:07093433 A4 movsb |
:07093434 8B4344 mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+44] |
Yes,you can find these code in vboxt410.dll.
It is almost same when you bpm xxxx:07001c06 or bpm xxxx:07001c74.
Frankly, I did not find an elegant way to patch it. It modifies itself quite a lot.
If find an elegant way to patch it, please let me know.
Now I try to get a clean routine using another approach. But it does not always work, beware! |
So let's forget for a while our vboxt402.dll. We just want a clean routine.
Run TRW.
Change eax at: .
1.07006079: call [dword dialogparama]
2.07001c06: jne 07001c2c
3.07001c74: jne 07001f9b
So I just run our "Official phrozen crew trial crackme" a window "ok", enter it's main routine window.
Now find its hwnd (you know how to do this, I hope :-), and then just bpmsg on it inside TRW.
Now: g; go back to phrozen's window,press "exit" .
Just like before TRW pop-up. Press F12 as long as needed to find the relevant code...
00401029: push 00
00401030: push 00401046
00401032: push 00
00401034: push 01
0040103a: push dword 0402dd87
0040103f: call 00401313
00401041: push 00; you land here
00401046: call 0040127d
You can go to xxxx:00401029 directly and dump it from memory using "pedump" command.
Then you get dump1.exe.
MKPE dump1.exe -a -s -f -i3 -ldlllist.sam
Fileout.exe is our "clean" routine, and it works very well.
So: byebye VBox Builder 4.2.But at times my fileout.exe approach does not work. I wonder way... unfortunately I did not find any clear patterns to reverse this little mistery. If you understand this, or if you have any other good methods for this target, please let me know, we will modify together this essay. <plume(at)kail(dot)>