Software history and cracking (CuteFTP)
("Regmon and Filemon and your cracking is almost don" :-)
by +Rcg
(07 December 1997)
Courtesy of fravia's page
of reverse engineering
Well, a nice example of the importance of Software history when you
want to reverse a target... and I like a lot +Rcg's important teaching
for all poor
shareware protectors:Look at this illogical approach:
Call The_Best_Protection_ever_created
test eax,eax
jz Bad_Guy
Of course the problem is that
those protectors are NOT working in assembly and rely on their 'high level'
languages and 'high level' compilers. Would they have used good old C and Borland's
ancient (an SMALL, and QUICK, and POWERFUL) Turboc version 1 (for Dos) they would
have had the possibility to work out some sidepaths around the "jz Bad_Guy" :-)
There are many
other little pearls inside this essay... read and enjoy!
How to reverse Cuteftp32 V2.0
After installing this Program, a NagScreen tell us that
the program is fully functional for a 30 day period, when
it finished some functions will be disabled.
Hit Cancel because we don't want to begin our trial period.
Because we have a lot of experience with this kind of
protections we won't lose our time with Ida or with W32Dasm,
neither with SoftIce (for the moment), let's use directly
our 'tools'.
Fire RegMonitor and apply "Cutftp32" at process filter, then
fire again CuteFtp and hit 'Cancel' again on the NagScreen,
and close CuteFtp.
Now, let's see what Regmonitor reports:
CloseKey HKCU\C.Panel\Desktop SUCCESS
OpenKey HKCU\C.Panel\Mouse SUCCESS hKey: 0xC30CCC38
QueryValueEx HKCU\C.Panel\Mouse\MouseHoverTime NOTFOUND
CloseKey HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse SUCCESS
CreateKey HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS hKey: 0xC30CCC38
DeleteKey HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS
Repeating again the same process:
OpenKey HKCU\C.Panel\Mouse SUCCESS hKey: 0xC2F21934
CreateKey HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS hKey: 0xC2F21934
DeleteKey HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS
All right, you can see something interesting, now lets fire
again CuteFtp and press AGREE.
We see:
CreateKey HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS hKey: 0xC2F21824
SetValue HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS "34884fe2,1"
Ok, now the key is not deleted, so it's suposed that key
is our 'time left'.
Fire again to be sure of that conclution:
OpenKey HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS hKey: 0xC2F21824
QueryValue HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS "34884fe2,1"
SetValue HKCR\pfc\CFK20 SUCCESS "34884fe2,2"
Ok!!, now we have 34884fe2 as a time check number and the
number after the comma is the number of times we have used
the program (maybe another protection mechanism).
Put your clock one year ahead ==> Your period is over.
Now add one year to the date: ==> Your period is over.
Now return to the correct date: ==> Nothing unusual.
Deleting this key we see again the NagScreen, that means
we could crack it simply deleting the Key every time our
period is over (not elegant but effective).
All right!!!, but now we want to resume downloads, but this
option is only available on the Registered Version, so
lets register it.
Master +ORC told us about 'History', so following his
words lets supose the protection works exactly as the
previous versions.
Lets use FileMonitor:
Fire CuteFtp, when loaded fire FileMonitor using Cutftp32 as
process filter, lets see:
Attributes \WIN.INI SUCCESS Get Modify
Seek \WIN.INI SUCCESS End Offset: 0
Seek \WIN.INI SUCCESS Beginning Offset: 0
Read \WIN.INI SUCCESS Offset: 0 Length: 11546
Seek \CUTFTP32.EXE SUCCESS Beginning Offset: 872448
Read \CUTFTP32.EXE SUCCESS Offset: 872448 Length: 4096
Seek \CUTFTP32.EXE SUCCESS Beginning Offset: 868352
Read \CUTFTP32.EXE SUCCESS Offset: 868352 Length: 4096
Seek \CUTFTP32.EXE SUCCESS Beginning Offset: 577536
Read \CUTFTP32.EXE SUCCESS Offset: 577536 Length: 4096
Oh!!!! its again the same soup==> the missing file.
Lets use our old reginfo.dat but renaming it to cuteftp.key.
And again FileMonitor:
Read \CUTEFTP\CUTEFTP.KEY SUCCESS Offset: 0 Length: 4096
Read \CUTEFTP\CUTEFTP.KEY SUCCESS Offset: 8 Length: 4096
We can extract some conclutions.
1. It is necessary for the Registered Version
2. Every time we see the About Dialog it checks
the protection.
3. Our old file is not valid :-(
It's time for dead listing ==> we are going to use W32Dasm
because we don't want "to kill flies with cannonballs" (this
is a literal translated spanish expression) using IdaPro.
Searching for CUTEFTP.KEY we get:
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"cuteftp.key"
:00411A4C BF684E4800 mov edi, 00484E68
:00411A51 8BCD mov ecx, ebp
:00411A53 33C0 xor eax, eax
Now lets copy the entire function:
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:00401058 , :004132D9 , :0042CB46
411970 push FFFFFFFF
411972 push 0046923B
411977 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000000]
41197D push eax
41197E mov dword ptr fs:[00000000], esp
411985 sub esp, 00000640
41198B push ebp
41198C push esi
41198D mov esi, ecx
41198F push edi
411990 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
411997 call 00427530
41199C mov eax, dword ptr [0048A55C]
4119A1 mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], 00000000
4119AC test eax, eax
4119AE je 00411A02
4119B0 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+0000065C]
4119B7 test edx, edx
4119B9 je 00411BCC
4119BF mov edi, 00484E74
4119C4 or ecx, FFFFFFFF
4119C7 xor eax, eax
4119C9 mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], FFFFFFFF
4119D4 repnz
4119D5 scasb
4119D6 not ecx
4119D8 sub edi, ecx
4119DA mov eax, ecx
4119DC mov esi, edi
4119DE mov edi, edx
4119E0 shr ecx, 02
4119E3 repz
4119E4 movsd
4119E5 mov ecx, eax
4119E7 and ecx, 00000003
4119EA repz
4119EB movsb
4119EC lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
4119F3 call 00427840
4119F8 mov eax, 00000001
4119FD jmp 00411C03
411A02 mov edx, dword ptr [esi+68]
411A05 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000012C]
411A0C push 000000FA
411A11 push ecx
411A12 push edx
411A13 Call dword ptr [0048EB70] ;GetModuleFileNameA
411A19 or ebp, FFFFFFFF
411A1C lea edi, dword ptr [esp+0000012C]
411A23 mov ecx, ebp
411A25 xor eax, eax
411A27 repnz
411A28 scasb
411A29 not ecx
411A2B dec ecx
411A2C lea eax, dword ptr [esp+ecx+0000012C]
411A33 mov cl, byte ptr [esp+ecx+0000012C]
411A3A cmp cl, 5C
411A3D je 00411A48
411A3F mov cl, byte ptr [eax-01]
411A42 dec eax
411A43 cmp cl, 5C
411A46 jne 00411A3F
411A48 mov [eax+01], 00
411A4C mov edi, 00484E68 ;"cuteftp.key" string
411A51 mov ecx, ebp
411A53 xor eax, eax
411A55 repnz
411A56 scasb
411A57 not ecx
411A59 sub edi, ecx
411A5B lea edx, dword ptr [esp+0000012C]
411A62 mov esi, edi
411A64 mov edi, edx
411A66 mov edx, ecx
411A68 mov ecx, ebp
411A6A repnz
411A6B scasb
411A6C mov ecx, edx
411A6E dec edi
411A6F shr ecx, 02
411A72 repz
411A73 movsd
411A74 mov ecx, edx
411A76 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0000012C]
411A7D and ecx, 00000003
411A80 push 00484E64
411A85 repz
411A86 movsb
411A87 push eax
411A88 call 00436F20
411A8D mov esi, eax
411A8F add esp, 00000008
411A92 test esi, esi
411A94 jne 00411AA2
411A96 mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], ebp
411A9D jmp 00411BF5
411AA2 push esi
411AA3 push 00000100
411AA8 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+34]
411AAC push 00000001
411AAE push ecx
411AAF call 00436D60
411AB4 add esp, 00000010
411AB7 mov edi, eax
411AB9 push esi
411ABA call 00436CB0
411ABF add esp, 00000004
411AC2 cmp edi, 00000100
411AC8 jge 00411AD6
411ACA mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], ebp
411AD1 jmp 00411BF5
411AD6 push 0000019F
411ADB call 00436C70
411AE0 add esp, 00000004
411AE3 xor esi, esi
411AE5 lea edi, dword ptr [esp+0C]
411AE9 call 00436C80
411AEE movsx edx, ax
411AF1 xor edx, esi
411AF3 inc esi
411AF4 mov dword ptr [edi], edx
411AF6 add edi, 00000004
411AF9 cmp esi, 00000008
411AFC jl 00411AE9
411AFE lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0C]
411B02 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
411B09 push eax
411B0A call 00427B10
411B0F lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
411B13 push 00000004
411B15 push ecx
411B16 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+00000234]
411B1D call 00427AE0
411B22 lea edx, dword ptr [esp+2C]
411B26 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
411B2D push edx
411B2E call 00427B10
411B33 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+4C]
411B37 push 00000001
411B39 push eax
411B3A lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+00000234]
411B41 call 00427AE0
411B46 mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+4C]
411B4A lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+54]
411B4E push 0000001B
411B50 push ecx
411B51 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+00000234]
411B58 call 00427AE0
411B5D lea edi, dword ptr [esp+54]
411B61 or ecx, FFFFFFFF
411B64 xor eax, eax
411B66 lea edx, dword ptr [esp+0000012C]
411B6D repnz
411B6E scasb
411B6F not ecx
411B71 sub edi, ecx
411B73 mov eax, ecx
411B75 mov esi, edi
411B77 mov edi, edx
411B79 shr ecx, 02
411B7C repz
411B7D movsd
411B7E mov ecx, eax
411B80 mov eax, 00000028
411B85 and ecx, 00000003
411B88 repz
411B89 movsb
411B8A xor ecx, ecx
411B8C movsx edx, byte ptr [esp+eax+2C]
411B91 add ecx, edx
411B93 inc eax
411B94 cmp eax, 00000078
411B97 jl 00411B8C
411B99 cmp ecx, ebp
411B9B jne 00411BEA
411B9D mov edx, dword ptr [esp+0000065C]
411BA4 test edx, edx
411BA6 je 00411BCC
411BA8 lea edi, dword ptr [esp+0000012C] ;decrypted username
411BAF or ecx, FFFFFFFF
411BB2 xor eax, eax
411BB4 repnz
411BB5 scasb
411BB6 not ecx
411BB8 sub edi, ecx
411BBA mov eax, ecx
411BBC mov esi, edi
411BBE mov edi, edx
411BC0 shr ecx, 02
411BC3 repz
411BC4 movsd
411BC5 mov ecx, eax
411BC7 and ecx, 00000003
411BCA repz
411BCB movsb
411BCC lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
411BD3 mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], FFFFFFFF
411BDE call 00427840
411BE3 mov eax, 00000001 ==> Return true
411BE8 jmp 00411C03
411BEA mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], FFFFFFFF
411BF5 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
411BFC call 00427840
411C01 xor eax, eax ==> Return false
411C03 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000064C]
411C0A pop edi
411C0B pop esi
411C0C mov dword ptr fs:[00000000], ecx
411C13 pop ebp
411C14 add esp, 0000064C
411C1A ret 0004
First of all, look at 411C01 ==> xor eax,eax ==> that's all
we need ==> oh no!!! not again!!!. Please Shareware writers,
never do it again.
Look at this:
Call The_Best_Protection_ever_created
test eax,eax
jz Bad_Guy
Don't you think it is ilogical, waste our time creating
good protections and then use the 'test eax,eax'.
And now, lets analize the function (if you have a little of
intuition you will easily know what every call makes without
any need to follw it).
This part add the path to the name.
411A42 dec eax
411A43 cmp cl, 5C ;"\" ==> this is a clue
411A46 jne 00411A3F
411A48 mov [eax+01], 00
411A4C mov edi, 00484E68 ;"cuteftp.key" string
411A51 mov ecx, ebp
411A53 xor eax, eax
411A55 repnz
411A56 scasb
Check if Cuteftp.key exist.
411A87 push eax
411A88 call 00436F20 ;open 'cuteftp.key'
411A8D mov esi, eax
411A8F add esp, 00000008
411A92 test esi, esi ;exists?
411A94 jne 00411AA2
411A96 mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], ebp
411A9D jmp 00411BF5 ;bad guy
Is file greater or igual than 100h (256 bytes)?
411ABA call 00436CB0
411ABF add esp, 00000004
411AC2 cmp edi, 00000100 ;this is another clue
411AC8 jge 00411AD6
411ACA mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], ebp
411AD1 jmp 00411BF5 ;bad guy.
Is checksum correct?
411B41 call 00427AE0
411B46 mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+4C] ;correct ckecksum
411B4A lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+54]
411B8A xor ecx, ecx
411B8C movsx edx, byte ptr [esp+eax+2C]
411B91 add ecx, edx
411B93 inc eax
411B94 cmp eax, 00000078
411B97 jl 00411B8C
411B99 cmp ecx, ebp ;Is checksum ok?
411B9B jne 00411BEA ;bad guy
Ok!!! its time for our Heditor.
411ABA call 00436CB0
411ABF add esp, 00000004
411AC2 cmp edi, 00000100
411AC8 jge 00411AD6 jmp to 411B9D always
411ACA mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], ebp
411B9D mov edx, dword ptr [esp+0000065C]
411BA4 test edx, edx
411BA6 je 00411BCC
411BA8 lea edi, dword ptr [esp+0000012C] ;esp+2c points to
;offset 0 of our
411BCC lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0000022C]
411BD3 mov dword ptr [esp+00000654], FFFFFFFF
411BDE call 00427840 ;Print our username
411BE3 mov eax, 00000001 ==> Return true
411BE8 jmp 00411C03
Now, search for:
060000E91F010000 and change it with 060000E9C7000000
8DBC242C010000 with 8DBC242C000000.
Finally, lets create a file named 'cuteftp.key' with:
Last words
You can see how the function is called 3 times, on the beginning,
on the nagcreen and when you try to resume a broken download.
You can also try to reverse enterely the function and create your
own 'cuteftp.key' file without patching the program. I don't want
to do it, you may.
+rcg 1997
(c) +Rcg 1997. All rights reversed
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