Homesite 3.0 Evaluation: Old bottle, new wine
(A protection scheme with fake serial number (a crackers' bait :-)
by ml+am
(28 December 1997, slightly edited by fravia+)
Courtesy of fravia's page
of reverse engineering
Well, here you have a LOT of interesting snippets out of a very silly protection
scheme (which blows wdasm, yet leaves the stupid hex 0x1E
(for a 30 days compare) around... tssch, tssch)
Enjoy the
following 'main points' and I would say that although ml+am's 'scientific' attitude in
reversing is
the most important teaching you'll get out of this, there is a lot more inside!
- protection scheme with Wdasm32 busting
- protection scheme with fake serial number (a crackers' bait :-)
- correct 'case study' reversing approach
- 'try and error' approach
Yes, you have in this target an "heavy checking" protection scheme with a stupid 0x1E left behind...
quite interesting for protectionists and crackers alike, I woudl say!
Homesite 3.0 Evaluation: Old bottle, new wine
by ml+am
(My HS3 essay - part of it can replace the
HS2 essay by EpicLord)
HomeSite is the HTML editor that changed the way I look at everything
of its kind - its slick, often-imitated interface cleverly borrowed
from Borland Delphi, new ideas and features from all kinds of M$ Visual Basic 5's code completion, has inspired a
lot of other HTML editors wannabes. The company is the first that has
ever tried to publish a usable HTML editor for free - HomeSite Free -
better than a lot of expensive technical craps out there. If you want
to buy an editor - HomeSite is it. OK, now, on with the study !!
As soon as I knew HomeSite 3 (HS3) was out, I rushed to get a copy
(from and many shareware sites). Besides the many
features that I liked, there are two bugs that I decided to
1. It allows you to use it for 50 times or 30 days, whichever comes
first, after then it stops functioning - try setting the calendar
forward a year and run it, then back - found that it still works.
2. There are nag screens telling you how many times you have used and
how many days you have left, politely displayed at the beginning
and at the end of each session.
Worth noticing is, when the 30-day deadline is close, an additional
dialog pops up, kindly reminding you to purchase.
So, I decided to start the third crack I've ever made (the first and
the second ones being WinJammer Shareware and Opera 2.12, easy stuffs =)
Tools used:
1. w32dasm89 (just to demonstrate how useless it is)
2. regmon
3. regedit
4. windbg (I'm still reluctant to install SoftICE...)
5. IDA Pro 3.7
6. little gray cells (the best analysis tool anyone can have - from
your parents =)
Episode 1:
Since I did WinJammer and Opera with just w32dasm, I tried to load HS3
with it. To my surprise, w32dasm crashes everytime it loads or
attaches to HS3, either on 95 or on NT. Since the only tools that
I've got are windbg and IDA, the first thing I did was to - guess
what, to uninstall it and install it again under regmon - yes, don't
go beserk disassembling it YET. =)
What was done:
1. uninstall HS3 completely
2. run regmon
3. install HS3, using anything as the serial number
4. watch regmon...
5. save regmon result and restart it
6. run HS3 and exit it while still watching regmon
What was observed:
1. The installation program writes the user name and the serial number
to the registry, but these values are never retrieved again by HS3
It means the serial number is redundant - there is no way to just
"register" it.
2. The only suspicious registry read upon startup is at
It turned out that "dtst" stores the date of installation and "Usr"
the number of times the software is used (in ASCII).
Extractions, modifications and restorations of this key with
Regedit further confirmed this idea.
3. "dtst" was once again read while "Usr" was read -as well as written
to- upon shutting down HS3.
and merge it back, after modification, whenever I want to extend the
evaluation period indefinitely.
Episode 2:
Of course, the progress resulted from Episode 1 was just a temporary
cure to the 2 bugs above. After tracing with windbg for some time,
I came up with something I thought could disable writing the "Usr"
value (usage count) back to the registry:
4468BF: 50 push eax
4468C0: 8B 43 04 mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+4]
4468C3: 50 push eax
4468C4: E8 13 00 FC FF call 4068DC
4468C9: 85 C0 test eax, eax
4468CB: 74 2E je 4468FB
The call at 4468C4 was the villain that I first thought were - it was
the final call before Usr was written and the target of the call was a
huge jump table. Maybe I've hit the runtime library. Maybe it is
advapi.dll. It is trivial to tell that on a successful call to
4068DC, eax will be zeroed. So I changed the call at 4468C4 to
4468C4: 33 C0 xor eax, eax
4468C6: 90 nop
4468C7: 90 nop
4468C8: 90 nop
And saw what happened...
1. The "Usr" count never increases in the registry.
2. The rest of the program still worked correctly.
Thought it's done, heh? I wished it was. Unfortunately, after trying
to customize it, I found that all my changes were not 'remembered'
when I ran the target next time.
I realized I've made a serious mistake: disabling ALL registry
saves rather than specifying the value of "Usr".
I nopped it at a much too 'low' level.
Being a novice reverser, I tried to get some help from the +HCU essays...
of course the first thing that I took a look at was the HS2 essay by
EpicLord (HS2).
To my surprise, HS2 uses the same protection technique (only without
the installation date check) and what I've done was exactly what it
says to be "a gentle way" (the second method on the essay) to crack
the program.
Even the codes were extremely similar. So I restored the original
executable and tried the first method described in the essay on HS3.
Below is what I've done according to that essay:
4468B1 8B45FC mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
4468B4 50 push eax
4468B5 56 push esi
4468B6 6A00 push 0
4468B8 8BC7 mov eax,edi
4468BA E8E5D8FBFF call 004041A4
4468BF 50 push eax
4468C0 8B4304 mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+4]
4468C3 50 push eax
4468C4 E81300FCFF call 004068DC
4468C9 85C0 test eax,eax
4468CB 742E je 004468FB
patch line 4468B8 to
4468B8 8BC0 move eax, eax
It worked again...but still didn't pass the customization test - of
course, this patch is at the SAME procedure as my erronous patch.
(later confirmed by IDA Pro that what I've disabled at 4468C4 was to
call advapi32.RegSetValueExA, and, sadly, this piece of code was
called ; if more than 255,
4F21A1 BBFF000000 mov ebx,0FFh ;stuff ebx with 255
WHY is the number "fixed" after checking? It SHOULD be of no use at
all! Is it still of some FUTURE USE? Maybe in registry writes??
So it is pretty obvious what to do:
*Patch 1:*
4F2193 43 inc ebx
4F2193 90 nop
This works perfectly without disabling any other registry saves. Wow.
Great progress. Better get some sleep now.
Episode 4:
It's time to take care of the check of installaton date. It turned
out to be more difficult than I thought. If you don't think so after
reading this, forgive me. I'm still a newbie =)
For the first time, the reference power of IDA is put to use. After
reading the dead listing, the following is extracted and analyzed
using my little gray cells =) The code should be self-explanatory:
4F20BB loc_4F20BB:
4F20BB E8 D0 7D F1 FF call sub_409E90 ; first check
4F20C0 DC 65 EC fsub [ebp+var_14]
4F20C3 D8 1D 18 23 4F 00 fcomp ds:flt_4F2318
4F20C9 DF E0 fnstsw ax
4F20CB 9E sahf
4F20CC 77 0D ja short EXPIRED_1 ; expired
4F20CE E8 BD 7D F1 FF call sub_409E90 ; second check
4F20D3 DC 5D EC fcomp [ebp+var_14]
4F20D6 DF E0 fnstsw ax
4F20D8 9E sahf
4F20D9 73 23 jnb short OK_1 ; ok, within trial period
4F20DB E8 B0 FE FF FF call sub_4F1F90
4F20E0 6A 00 push 0
4F20E2 66 8B 0D 1C 23 4F 00 mov cx, ds:word_4F231C
4F20E9 B2 01 mov dl, 1
4F20EB B8 28 23 4F 00 mov eax, offset aThisDemoVer
4F20F0 E8 0B 39 F5 FF call sub_445A00 ; display dialog
4F20F5 C6 45 FE 00 mov [ebp+var_2], 0
4F20F9 E9 CC 01 00 00 jmp loc_4F22CA ; exit program
4F20FE OK_1:
4F20FE E8 8D 7D F1 FF call sub_409E90 ; third check for days remaining
4F2103 DC 65 EC fsub [ebp+var_14]
4F2106 D8 1D AC 23 4F 00 fcomp dword ptr ds:unk_4F23AC
4F210C DF E0 fnstsw ax
4F210E 9E sahf
4F210F 76 15 jbe short OK_2 ; ok, many days left...
; expiration is close...
; make a dialog saying "only XXX days remaining!"
4F2111 6A 00 push 0
4F2113 66 8B 0D 1C 23 4F 00 mov cx, ds:word_4F231C
4F211A 33 D2 xor edx, edx
4F211C B8 B8 23 4F 00 mov eax, offset aThisEvaluat
4F2121 E8 DA 38 F5 FF call sub_445A00
4F2126 OK_2:
4F2126 E8 65 7D F1 FF call sub_409E90
4F212B DC 65 EC fsub [ebp+var_14]
4F212E E8 D1 0A F1 FF call sub_402C04
4F2133 BE 1E 00 00 00 mov esi, 1Eh ; 30 days (how stupid!)
4F2138 2B F0 sub esi, eax ; minus days elapsed
4F213A 8D 45 D8 lea eax, [ebp+var_28] ; display it...
4F213D 50 push eax
4F213E 33 C0 xor eax, eax
4F2140 88 45 C5 mov [ebp+var_3B], al
4F2143 C6 45 C4 01 mov [ebp+var_3C], 1
4F2147 8D 45 C8 lea eax, [ebp+var_38]
4F214A 8D 55 C4 lea edx, [ebp+var_3C]
4F214D E8 72 30 F1 FF call sub_4051C4
4F2152 8D 4D C8 lea ecx, [ebp+var_38]
After reading this a couple of times and making a backup copy of the
executable, I was all ready to see if it actually is it.
*Patch 2:*
4F20CC 77 0D ja short Beggar_Off_1;
4F20CC 90 nop
4F20CD 90 nop
4F20D9 73 23 jnb short OK_1
4F20D9 EB 23 jmp short OK_1
4F210F 76 15 jbe short OK_2
4F210F EB 15 jmp short OK_2
worked as expected =) Time to get some sleep again...
Episode 4:
Although now HS3 can be used indefinitely, the nag screen is still
very annoying - especially when it is "expired" and you'll see
negative "days remaining" on it =\ Let's get rid of it
altogether. By tracing it again using windbg and watching the IDA
explanation at the same time, I came up with this:
4F222C 55 push ebp
4F222D 68 C3 22 4F 00 push offset loc_4F22C3
4F2232 64 FF 30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
4F2235 64 89 20 mov fs:[eax], esp
4F2238 6A 32 push 32h ;no need to explain...
4F223A 6A 1E push 1Eh ;getting so used to...
4F223C 8B CE mov ecx, esi
4F223E 8B D3 mov edx, ebx
4F2240 8B 45 E8 mov eax, [ebp+var_18]
4F2243 E8 28 F8 FF FF call sub_4F1A70
4F2248 8B 45 E8 mov eax, [ebp+var_18]
4F224B E8 40 0A F4 FF call sub_432C90
4F2250 8B 45 E8 mov eax, [ebp+var_18]
4F2253 83 B8 50 01 00 00 01 cmp dword ptr [eax+150h], 1
4F225A 75 04 jnz short loc_4F2260
4F225C C6 45 FE 01 mov [ebp+var_2], 1
The call to 432C90 at 4F224B is the last call I could get before I see
the nag. Further more, IDA told me that the procedure at 432C90 has a
lot of calls like "getfocus" - that are only used at the lowest level
before getting a message from the click of a button. This tempted me
to do:
*Patch 3:*
4F224B E8 40 0A F4 FF call sub_432C90
4F224B 90 nop
4F224C 90 nop
4F224D 90 nop
4F224E 90 nop
4F224F 90 nop
If some of you are observant enough, you should have seen another
mistake that I've made...
Well, kind of. I overlooked the lines preceding and proceding the
call. HS3 didn't start at all. Take a closer look at these lines:
4F2248 8B 45 E8 mov eax, [ebp+var_18] ; this
4F224B E8 40 0A F4 FF call sub_432C90
4F2250 8B 45 E8 mov eax, [ebp+var_18] ; and this
4F2253 83 B8 50 01 00 00 01 cmp dword ptr [eax+150h], 1
4F225A 75 04 jnz short loc_4F2260
WHY does the code have to move a memory variable into eax both before
and after the call? The only reason is that THE VALUE AT [ebp+var_18]
MUST HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY THE CALL. i.e. call by reference. And the
comparison at 4F2253 refers to [eax+150h] - hinted me that...yes, a
pointer was passed by reference. And if this [eax+150h] is not 1
after the call, the program will quit (4F2260). It must be checking
if the nag screen procedure returns "success". Now what?
*Patch 4:*
4F225A 75 04 jnz short loc_4F2260
4F225A 90 nop
4F225B 90 nop
And, better protection next time, Allaire !!
Optionals (not recommended by the author, just ideas):
You can change the "EVALUATION VERSION" on the title bar by changing
the pascal-style string embeded in the executable, and the whole about
screen by resource editing - I'll leave it as an exercise to absolute
(c) ml+am All rights reversed
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