iniquity's inequality protection scheme
(and some tips about pascal reverse engineering)
by Flipper
(31 August 1997)
Courtesy of fravia's page
of reverse engineering
Well, a quite interesting essay
for a couple of reasons:
- Flipper doesn't use neither winice nor wdasm, he
cracks with HIEW (and take notice: it is always a good idea to learn how to reverse
engineer our targets with a whole collection of tools... heavy paranoid
protection schemes
specifically targeted against our beloved winice and wdasm are
nowadays proliferating like
mushrooms... and yet they can be easily cracked with symdeb! :-)
- Flipper is reversing a Pascal target and knows Pascal enough to give
us all some very interesting "insights" about pascal compilation... hey
Flipper, what about being among the first Authors in our new future +HCU's project:
"Compiler peculiarities"? (Starting October 1997).
Well, read and enjoy.
A small notice about pascal
First developed by Niklaus Wirth in the early 1970s, Pascal was intended
primarily as a tool for teaching students the fundamentals of good
programming practice. However, the clarity and simplicity of the language
rapidly attracted interest beyond the world of academia, and Pascal has become
a major programming language... almost in spite of itself.
As most of the recent compilers
add a great many features to Wirth's original specification, modern Pascal compilers
can be just as powerful as the C programming language. In actual fact,
programming in Pascal (yet not in Delphi) has some clear benefits
over programming in C. For one thing, the syntax of Pascal is less cryptic than C, and,
more importantly, Pascal also does a great deal of checking so that the
programmer is alerted to errors which a C compiler would let slip through.
(Yet I only use C and never really used Pascal... go figure :-)
You'll find easily on the web:
- Turbo Pascal (Borland);
- QuickPascal (Microsoft);
- Prospero Pascal;
- Mystic Pascal;
- Borland Delphy 1.0 (complete version on PC-Plus superCD 35b,
May 1997, 4 UK pounds)
And now enjoy this essay by Flipper!
-- iniquity's inequality protection scheme --
(and some tips about pascal reverse engineering)
by Flipper (upg), 31 Aug 1997
When someone approached me a few weeks ago with the news that a new version
of Iniquity BBS had been released, I didn't think much of it. However, in
this short text I'll describe how to simply reverse engineer this simple
protection scheme. The protection itself is so simple, anyone without any
knowledge of assembly could figure out how to bypass it; I hope that this
file can be of some use on Fravia's page of "bad protections", so that more
so called shareware authors can actually write something worth cracking.
Here's a list of what you'll need:
1. a copy of Iniquity 1.01 for DOS