Hexpert32, Version 3.0.05
Cracking the tools of the trade
by +daQ
(06 August 1997, slightly edited by Fravia)
With a small addition by Epic Lord, 19 August 1997
Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
Well, this essay is a little on the easy side, yet I stick to our aim: we
publish essays regarding useful tools for our trade... and even if I
personally still prefer good old (DOS) psedit, it's always useful to
have other nice Windows Hexeditors at hand :-)
Hexpert32 version 3.0.05
Cracking the tools of the trade
Target: Hxpert32.exe
Difficulty: Easy, only for beginners
Time to Fish: 30 mins
Tools: SoftIce, HexEditor
Comments: I would like to apologize that this essay is out of
sequence with what I had previously said; This is one
that has been bugging me for a bit, and I figured an
easy crack/patch would be fun for everyone.
Hexpert is a great program for modifying exe's, dll's, anything that
needs to be edited, I would be tempted to use this one program over any
other. It's stability is great, and it has 2 very simple protections, one
which I cracked in 5 minutes, the other I toyed with for 25 minutes.
I know of several other programs that operate on this procedure for the
first crack (winweather, for example.)
Crack part 1:
When you first run Hxpert32 (I will refer to it as hexpert), you get a
load file screen....this is a great program to stick in your 'sendto'
section of the windows dir. You can fire any file off to it, to peruse
at your leisure.
After loading the file, a very ugly screen pops up, proclaiming the
shareware status. You can't even hit the space bar to close it down,
it's so annoying. So instead of viewing any other file, let's view
hexpert instead.
Make a copy (hxpert.ded), and we shall edit this first. Sendto the
file, and begin to peruse it's contents. Most shareware authors think
alike in one regard. If they prepare to different programs (reg'd and
share) with conditional compilation, then they are very good about labeling
routines. This is good for our case, because a search for the phrase/words
of nag, share, free, regis, register, registration, etc usually will turn
up several instances of their locations. When we search for share, we
get an occurence of it, with some other text in the file itself. A little
further on there is are the words: "Registered to:________". If anyone
can figure out how to add this to the 'about' screen, please post it....
I have no BRW to work with yet, so am not able to recompile on the fly
as +Fravia says.
Proceed to replace the words SHAREWARE with 00's. Now, when you execute
the app, there is no begining screen, and no ending screen to contend with.
We are now 1/2 of the way finished with our crack.
Crack Part 2:
As you may have noticed while running this application, another annoying
nag screen pops up. It tells us to 'register' if we find this program
useful. There are 2 ways the program can do this:
1) Count the number of operations we do (key strokes), and randomly send this
when we reach a previously set number.
2) Use a timer, or a random timer.
Let's investigate the latter first. I believe there has already been an
essay involving settimer, and killtimer. These require 'push's for the
duration of the count. If we let the app run with no other input, our
former guess should show no window (which it does not do), so we know for
a fact the 2nd choice is correct.
cntrl-d into softice.
:bpx settimer
:bpx killtimer
cntrl-d back out.
Let the program run, do nothing while it does. Eventually, you will
break in on the killtimer because the set timer had been previously
called. If you scan upwards in the code, you will see where the call
came from. This is the entire second protection scheme.
* Possible Reference to Dialog: ABOUT
:0040A153 68446C4100 push 00416C44
:0040A158 51 push ecx
* Reference To: USER32.DialogBoxParamA, Ord:008Eh
:0040A159 FF1568C44100 Call dword ptr [0041C468]
:0040A15F 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A161 E982D1FFFF jmp 004072E8
:0040A166 FF05B8684100 inc dword ptr [004168B8] ;every time this code
;is executed, this
;flag is incremented.
:0040A16C 833DB868410005 cmp dword ptr [004168B8], 00000005 ;After 5 calls, it
:0040A173 7C4B jl 0040A1C0 ;will execute these
:0040A175 8B8424AC060000 mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 000006AC] ;following codes.
:0040A17C 6A00 push 00000000
:0040A17E C705B868410000000000 mov dword ptr [004168B8], 00000000
:0040A188 50 push eax
* Reference To: USER32.KillTimer, Ord:016Dh ;Here is where you
| ;pop out at.
:0040A189 FF15B8C44100 Call dword ptr [0041C4B8]
:0040A18F 8B8C24AC060000 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 000006AC]
:0040A196 6A30 push 00000030
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"HEXpert (Unlicensed evaluation "
:0040A198 68A86B4100 push 00416BA8
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"If you find this program useful, "
->"please register!"
:0040A19D 68746B4100 push 00416B74
:0040A1A2 51 push ecx
* Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:0195h
:0040A1A3 FF1558C44100 Call dword ptr [0041C458]
:0040A1A9 8B8C24AC060000 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 000006AC]
:0040A1B0 6A00 push 00000000
:0040A1B2 6860EA0000 push 0000EA60 ;EA60 is 60,000 decimal
:0040A1B7 6A00 push 00000000 ;settimer works in millisecs
:0040A1B9 51 push ecx ;therefore this is a 1min
* Reference To: USER32.SetTimer, Ord:0215h
:0040A1BA FF15BCC44100 Call dword ptr [0041C4BC]
* Referenced by a Jump at Addresses:
:0040A1C0 33C0 xor eax, eax
As you should be able to see, there is a total of 5 calls made to this
function; after the fifth call, the annoying 'buy me' message is
popped up. Since each call is a one minute delay, we are given 5 minutes
before we are again annoyed by this bad protection.
Lets bpx on the flag location, to see if it's operated anywhere else in
the entire program...
:bpm 004168B8 ;it's not, trust me....
ok. So how can we disable this protection? The first and most obvious would
be to patch the jump, so that no matter how many times it's called, it will
go right past it. But, after 0xFF times, what will happen? I dont know, and
do not intend to find out. So instead, let's play with the code.
here is the relevant code again:
* Reference To: USER32.DialogBoxParamA, Ord:008Eh
:0040A159 FF1568C44100 Call dword ptr [0041C468]
:0040A15F 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A161 E982D1FFFF jmp 004072E8
:0040A166 FF05B8684100 inc dword ptr [004168B8]
:0040A16C 833DB868410005 cmp dword ptr [004168B8], 00000005
:0040A173 7C4B jl 0040A1C0
:0040A175 8B8424AC060000 mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 000006AC]
after the inc dword ptr, we don't want it to compare. So, using +ORC's
teachings, let's change it to
* Reference To: USER32.DialogBoxParamA, Ord:008Eh
:0040A159 FF1568C44100 Call dword ptr [0041C468]
:0040A15F 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A161 E982D1FFFF jmp 004072E8
:0040A166 FF05B8684100 inc dword ptr [004168B8]
:0040A16C FF0DB8684100 dec dword ptr [004168B8] ;decrease the increase.
:0040a172 90 nop ;pad one byte
:0040A173 EB4B jmp 0040A1C0 ;who cares, jump past
;annoying nag screen.
:0040A175 8B8424AC060000 mov eax, dword ptr [esp + 000006AC] ;nag screen stuff
All wrapped up in one neat package now!
search for 'shareware' using hexpert itself, change it to 00's.
search for:
change to:
Thats it!
Next Tutorial:
1) windows LPR spooler v 4.1
2) don't know yet....
(c) +daQ, 1997. All rights reserved.
An addition frop Epic Lord
Here is a small addition for daQ+'s essay about Hexpert32, Version 3.0.05.
BRW works well for this simple crack. Just load HxPert32.exe in the toolkit
and delete the shareware references. There are two of them. That will be
enough for the crack :=)
Best wishes, Epic Lord
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