The character comparisons are done using a specific order given by a table h.
![]() |
Pos(i)={k : 0 ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Neg(i)={k : 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
For 1 k
m, let hmin[k] be the minimum integer
such that
k-1 and k not in Neg(i) for all i such that
< i
For 0
m-1, let kmin[
] be the minimum integer k such that hmin[k]=
k if any such k exists and kmin[
]=0 otherwise.
For 0
m-1, let rmin[
] be the minimum integer k such that r >
and hmin[r]=r-1.
The value of h[0] is set to m-1. After that we choose in increasing order of kmin[], all the indexes h[1], ... , h[d] such that kmin[h[i]]
0 and we set rcGs[i] to kmin[h[i]] for 1
d. Then we choose the indexes h[d+1], ... , h[m-1] in increasing order and we set rcGs[i] to rmin[h[i]] for d < i < m.
The value of rcGs[m] is set to the period of x.
The table rcBc is defined as follows: rcBc[a, s]=min{k : (k=m or x[m-k-1]=a) and (k > m-s-1 or x[m-k-s-1]=x[m-s-1])} To compute the table rcBc we define: for each c in , locc[c] is the index of the rightmost occurrence of c in x[0 .. m-2] (locc[c] is set to -1 if c does not occur in x[0 .. m-2]).
A table link is used to link downward all the occurrences of each pattern character.
The preprocessing phase can be performed in O(m2) time and O(m) space complexity. The searching phase is in O(n) time complexity.
void preRc(char *x, int m, int h[], int rcBc[ASIZE][XSIZE], int rcGs[]) { int a, i, j, k, q, r, s, hmin[XSIZE], kmin[XSIZE], link[XSIZE], locc[ASIZE], rmin[XSIZE]; /* Computation of link and locc */ for (a = 0; a < ASIZE; ++a) locc[a] = -1; link[0] = -1; for (i = 0; i < m - 1; ++i) { link[i + 1] = locc[x[i]]; locc[x[i]] = i; } /* Computation of rcBc */ for (a = 0; a < ASIZE; ++a) for (s = 1; s <= m; ++s) { i = locc[a]; j = link[m - s]; while (i - j != s && j >= 0) if (i - j > s) i = link[i + 1]; else j = link[j + 1]; while (i - j > s) i = link[i + 1]; rcBc[a][s] = m - i - 1; } /* Computation of hmin */ k = 1; i = m - 1; while (k <= m) { while (i - k >= 0 && x[i - k] == x[i]) --i; hmin[k] = i; q = k + 1; while (hmin[q - k] - (q - k) > i) { hmin[q] = hmin[q - k]; ++q; } i += (q - k); k = q; if (i == m) i = m - 1; } /* Computation of kmin */ memset(kmin, 0, m * sizeof(int)); for (k = m; k > 0; --k) kmin[hmin[k]] = k; /* Computation of rmin */ for (i = m - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (hmin[i + 1] == i) r = i + 1; rmin[i] = r; } /* Computation of rcGs */ i = 1; for (k = 1; k <= m; ++k) if (hmin[k] != m - 1 && kmin[hmin[k]] == k) { h[i] = hmin[k]; rcGs[i++] = k; } i = m-1; for (j = m - 2; j >= 0; --j) if (kmin[j] == 0) { h[i] = j; rcGs[i--] = rmin[j]; } rcGs[m] = rmin[0]; } void RC(char *x, int m, char *y, int n) { int i, j, s, rcBc[ASIZE][XSIZE], rcGs[XSIZE], h[XSIZE]; /* Preprocessing */ preRc(x, m, h, rcBc, rcGs); /* Searching */ j = 0; s = m; while (j <= n - m) { while (j <= n - m && x[m - 1] != y[j + m - 1]) { s = rcBc[y[j + m - 1]][s]; j += s; } for (i = 1; i < m && x[h[i]] == y[j + h[i]]; ++i); if (i >= m) OUTPUT(j); s = rcGs[i]; j += s; } }
Preprocessing phase
Tables used by Reverse Colussi algorithm
Searching phase