The design of the Colussi algorithm follows a tight analysis of the Knuth, Morris and Pratt algorithm.
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in the first phase the comparisons are performed from left to right with text characters aligned with pattern position for which the value of the kmpNext function is strictly greater than -1. These positions are called noholes; |
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the second phase consists in comparing the remaining positions (called holes) from right to left. |
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when a mismatch occurs during the first phase, after the appropriate shift it is not necessary to compare the text characters aligned with noholes compared during the previous attempt; |
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when a mismatch occurs during the second phase it means that a suffix of the pattern matches a factor of the text, after the corresponding shift a prefix of the pattern will still match a factor of the text, then it is not necessary to compare this factor again. |
For 0 i
m-1: kmin[i]= d>0 iff x[0 .. i-1-d]=x[d .. i-1] and x[i-d]
x[i], 0 otherwise.
When kmin 0 a periodicity ends at position i in x.
For 0 < i < m if kmin[i-1] 0 then i is a nohole otherwise i is a hole.
Let nd+1 be the number of noholes in x.
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for 0 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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for nd < i < m, h[i] is a hole and h[i] > h[i+1] for nd < i < m-1. |
If i is a hole then rmin[i] is the smallest period of x greater than i.
The value of first[u] is the smallest integer v such that u h[v].
Then assume that x is aligned with y[j .. j+m-1]. If x[h[k]]=y[j+h[k]] for 0 k < r < nd and x[h[r]]
y[j+h[r]]. Let j’ = j+kmin[h[r]].
Then there is no occurrence of x beginning in y[j .. j’] and x can be shifted by kmin[h[r]] positions to the right.
Moreover x[h[k]]=y[j’+h[k]] for 0 k < first[h[r]-kmin[h[r]]] meaning that the comparisons can be resume with x[h[first[h[r]-kmin[h[r]]]]] and y[j’+h[first[h[r]-kmin[h[r]]]]].
Figure 9.1: Mismatch with a nohole. Noholes are black circles and are compared from left to right.
In this situation, after the shift, it is not necessary to compare the first two noholes again.
If x[h[k]]=y[j+h[k]] for 0 k < r and x[h[r]]
y[j+h[r]] with nd
r < m. Let j’=j+rmin[h[r]]. Then there is no occurrence of x beginning in y[j .. j’] and x can be shifted by kmin[h[r]] positions to the right.
Moreover x[0 .. m-1-rmin[h[r]]]=y[j’ .. j+m-1] meaning that the comparisons can be resume with x[h[first[m-1-rmin[h[r]]]]] and y[j’+h[first[m-1-rmin[h[r]]]]].
To compute the values of kmin, a table hmax is used and defined as follows: hmax[k] is such that x[k .. hmax[k]-1]=x[0 .. hmax[k]-k-1] and x[hmax[k]] x[hmax[k]-k].
The value of nhd0[i] is the number of noholes strictly smaller than i.
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shift[i]=kmin[h[i]] and next[i]=nhd0[h[i]-kmin[h[i]]] for i < nd; |
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shift[i]=rmin[h[i]] and next[i]=nhd0[m-rmin[h[i]]] for nd ![]() |
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shift[m]=rmin[0] and next[m]=nhd0[m-rmin[h[m-1]]]. |
Thus, during an attempt where the window is positioned on the text factor y[j .. j+m-1], when a mismatch occurs between x[h[r]] and y[j+h[r]] the window must be shifted by shift[r] and the comparisons can be resume with pattern position h[next[r]].
The preprocessing phase can be done in O(m) space and time. The searching phase can then be done in O(n) time complexity and furthermore at most n text character comparisons are performed during the searching phase.
int preColussi(char *x, int m, int h[], int next[], int shift[]) { int i, k, nd, q, r, s; int hmax[XSIZE], kmin[XSIZE], nhd0[XSIZE], rmin[XSIZE]; /* Computation of hmax */ i = k = 1; do { while (x[i] == x[i - k]) i++; hmax[k] = i; q = k + 1; while (hmax[q - k] + k < i) { hmax[q] = hmax[q - k] + k; q++; } k = q; if (k == i + 1) i = k; } while (k <= m); /* Computation of kmin */ memset(kmin, 0, m*sizeof(int)); for (i = m; i >= 1; --i) if (hmax[i] < m) kmin[hmax[i]] = i; /* Computation of rmin */ for (i = m - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (hmax[i + 1] == m) r = i + 1; if (kmin[i] == 0) rmin[i] = r; else rmin[i] = 0; } /* Computation of h */ s = -1; r = m; for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) if (kmin[i] == 0) h[--r] = i; else h[++s] = i; nd = s; /* Computation of shift */ for (i = 0; i <= nd; ++i) shift[i] = kmin[h[i]]; for (i = nd + 1; i < m; ++i) shift[i] = rmin[h[i]]; shift[m] = rmin[0]; /* Computation of nhd0 */ s = 0; for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { nhd0[i] = s; if (kmin[i] > 0) ++s; } /* Computation of next */ for (i = 0; i <= nd; ++i) next[i] = nhd0[h[i] - kmin[h[i]]]; for (i = nd + 1; i < m; ++i) next[i] = nhd0[m - rmin[h[i]]]; next[m] = nhd0[m - rmin[h[m - 1]]]; return(nd); } void COLUSSI(char *x, int m, char *y, int n) { int i, j, last, nd, h[XSIZE], next[XSIZE], shift[XSIZE]; /* Processing */ nd = preColussi(x, m, h, next, shift); /* Searching */ i = j = 0; last = -1; while (j <= n - m) { while (i < m && last < j + h[i] && x[h[i]] == y[j + h[i]]) i++; if (i >= m || last >= j + h[i]) { OUTPUT(j); i = m; } if (i > nd) last = j + m - 1; j += shift[i]; i = next[i]; } }
Preprocessing phase
Searching phase