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Next: Source Code Up: 0.4.5 Spanning Trees Previous: Source Code Kruskal's Algorithm

Kruskal's algorithm for finding a minimal spanning tree in a connected graph is a greedy algorithm; that is, given a choice, it always processes the edge with the least weight.

This algorithm operates by considering edges in the graph in order of weight from the least weighted edge up to the most while keeping track of which nodes in the graph have been added to the spanning tree. If an edge being considered joins either two nodes not in the spanning tree, or joins a node in the spanning tree to one not in the spanning tree, the edge and its endpoints are added to the spanning tree. After considering one edge the algorithm continues to consider the next higher weighted edge. In the event that a graph contains equally weighted edges the order in which these edges are considered does not matter. The algorithm stops when all nodes have been added to the spanning tree.

Note that, while the spanning tree produced will be connected at the end of the algorithm, in intermediate steps Kruskal can be working on many independent, non-connected sections of the tree. These sections will be joined before the algorithm completes.

Often this algorithm is implemented using parent pointers and equivalence classes. At the start of the     processing, each vertex in the graph is an independent equivalence class. Looping through the edges in order of weight, the algorithm groups the vertices together into one or more equivalence classes to denote that these nodes have been added to the solution minimal spanning tree.

It is a good idea to process the edges by putting them into a min-heap. This is usually much faster than sorting the edges by weight since, in most cases, not all the edges will be added to the minimal spanning tree. See the section on the heapsort and the heap data structure     for more information about min-heaps.  

Scott Gasch