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0.3.4 Benchmarking the Quicksort and the Heapsort

The Quicksort and the Heapsort are two n log2 n algorithms for sorting data. One way to more empirically measure the performance of these two algorithms is to write a benchmarking program and count the number of comparisons each uses in order to sort a random data set. Another total that may be of interest is the number of swaps a given algorithm uses in the sorting process. Below is a benchmarking program that does just that.  

**                                                                      **
**  Sorting Benchmark                                                   **
**                                                                      **
**  Data and Algorithm Analysis                                         **
**                                                                      **
**  Assignment #6                                                       **
**                                                                      **
**  Due Dec 1, 1997                                                     **
**                                                                      **
**  Scott Gasch                                                         **
**                                                                      **
**  available online at            **
**                                                                      **

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 *  We need math.h for the log stuff in the table

#include <math.h>

 *  We need time.h in order to seed the random number generator based on the
 *  value of the system clock...

#include <time.h>

 *  This is the index number of the top item in the data set to be sorted...

int TOPITEM = 100;

 *  The random value generator will fill the data set with values between
 *  zero and RANGE, inclusive.

int RANGE = 10000;

 *  The array itself is global to memory and me the headache of passing it
 *  all around the place.

int data[1000];

 *  To keep track of number of swaps and comparisons each alg uses

int num_swaps, num_comps;

 *  Function protos

void swap (int *a, int *b);
void q_sort (int low, int hi);
void show_array(void);
void fill_array(void);
int get_pivot (int low, int hi);
void pushdown(int which, int limit);
void heapify(int low, int hi);
void h_sort(int low, int hi);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   show_array - dump the contents of the data set to stdout
void show_array(void) {
  int i;

  for (i = 1; i < TOPITEM; i++) {
    printf("%d: %d\n", i, data[i]);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   fill_array - place random numbers between 
 *   0..RANGE (inclusive) in data[]
void fill_array(void) {
  int i;
  float r;

  /* clean slate */
  num_comps = num_swaps = 0;

  /* [re]randomize */

  for (i = 1; i < TOPITEM; i++) {
    r = (float) rand() / (float) RAND_MAX;
    data[i] = r * RANGE + 1;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   get_pivot - return the index of the selected pivot value

int get_pivot (int low, int hi) {

  /* safety net, this should not happen */
  if (low == hi) return(data[low]);

     /* return the greater of the first two items in the range 
      * return( (data[low] > data[low+1]) ? low : (low+1) );

  /* return the midpoint as the pivot element */
  return( (low + hi) / 2 );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   swap - given two pointers to integers, swap their contents

void swap (int *a, int *b) {
  int temp = *a;
  *a = *b;
  *b = temp;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   q_sort - Quicksort a data range

void q_sort (int low, int hi) {
  int pivot_index;                /* index in the data set of the pivot */
  int pivot_value;                /* the value of the pivot element     */
  int left, right;

  /* select the pivot element and remember its value */
  pivot_index = get_pivot(low, hi);
  pivot_value = data[pivot_index];

  /* do the partitioning */
  left = low; right = hi;
  do {

    /* move left to the right bypassing elements already on the correct side */
    while ((left <= hi) && (data[left] < pivot_value)) {

    /* move right to the left bypassing elements already on the correct side */
    while ((right >= low) && (pivot_value < data[right])) {

     *  if the pointers are in the correct order then they are pointing to two
     *  items that are on the wrong side of the pivot value, swap them...
    if (left <= right) {
      swap(&data[left], &data[right]);
  } while (left <= right);

  /* now recurse on both partitions as long as they are large enough */
  if (low < right) q_sort(low, right);
  if (left < hi) q_sort(left, hi);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   pushdown - push a data item down the heap until in the proper place

void pushdown(int which, int limit) {

  /* we will determine the node's max child */
  int max_child = which * 2;

  /* if this is a leaf node (i.e. it has no children) then we're done */
  if (max_child > limit) return;

  /* if it has a second child, make max_child the index of the greater kid */
  if (((which * 2) + 1) <= limit) {
    if (data[max_child] < data[(which * 2) + 1]) max_child = (which * 2) + 1;

  /* now see if the node in question if greater than its max child... */  
  if (data[which] < data[max_child]) {

    /* if it's not, swap them and keep going with the push down */
    swap (&data[which], &data[max_child]);
    pushdown(max_child, limit);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   heapify - given a data range, make it into a heap

void heapify(int low, int hi) {

  /* we only have to start at the first node with children */
  int mid = (low + hi) / 2;
  int i;

  /* work backwards to the top of the heap calling pushdown */
  for (i = mid; i > 0; i--) pushdown(i, TOPITEM-1);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   h_sort - perform a heap sort on a range of data items

void h_sort(int low, int hi) {
  int i;

  /* heapify the data set */
  heapify(low, hi);

  /* repeatedly swap top and last then pushdown the promoted last */
  for (i = TOPITEM - 1; i > 1; i--) {
    swap(&data[1], &data[i]);
    pushdown(1, i - 1);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*   main - the driver

int main(void) {
  int save_array[1000];       /* used to store/reset the global array */
  int tab[6][4];              /* tabular values for #comps, #swaps    */
  int i, j;                   /* loop control                         */
  int n;

   * requirements:
   *  1) see above
   *  2) Check your code works by comparing to answers for hw 4, #2

  q_sort(1, 10);
  printf("homework data, quicksort:"
	 "%d comparisons, %d swaps\n", num_comps, num_swaps);

  h_sort(1, 10);
  printf("homework data, heapsort:"
	 "%d comparisons, %d swaps\n", num_comps, num_swaps);

   * (footnote: my version of quicksort works better)
   * 3) Use a random number generator to generate ints from 1 to 10000
   *    (see fill_array())
   * 4) Take 100 random numbers and demonstrate your code works...

  TOPITEM=101; RANGE=10000;
  printf("creating an array of 100 random numbers... here it is:\n");

  /* save this untarnished list so heapsort can sort later */
  for (i = 0; i<1000; i++) save_array[i] = data[i];

  /* run a qsort and show the nice people */
  printf("quick sorting...\n");
  q_sort(1, TOPITEM-1);

  /* restore the list to its unsorted splendor */
  for (i = 0; i<1000; i++) data[i] = save_array[i];  

  /* heap sort */
  printf("heap sorting...\n");
  h_sort(1, TOPITEM);

   * 5) Take N random numbers (500<N<1000 by 100 steps) and make a
   *    nice table.

  for (i = 500; i<=1000; i+=100) {

    TOPITEM = i+1;
    num_swaps = num_comps = 0;
    /* store data set */
    for (j = 0; j<1000; j++) save_array[j] = data[j];

    /* quicksort */
    q_sort(1, TOPITEM);

    /* save the results */
    tab[(i - 500) / 100][0] = num_comps;
    tab[(i - 500) / 100][1] = num_swaps;

    /* get ready to heapsort */
    num_swaps = num_comps = 0;

    /* restore the data set and doit */
    for (j = 0; j<1000; j++) data[j] = save_array[j];  
    h_sort(1, TOPITEM);

    /* save results */
    tab[(i - 500) / 100][2] = num_comps;
    tab[(i - 500) / 100][3] = num_swaps;

  /* now show them the table */

  printf("                     Quicksort           Heapsort\n"
         "  N     NlogN     #comps   #swaps     #comps   #swaps\n"
  for (i = 0; i<6; i++) {
    n = (i * 100) + 500;
    printf(" %4d   %4d      %5d   %5d       %5d   %5d\n",
	   n * (int)(log(n) / log(2)),

Scott Gasch