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Below is an iterative implementation of the binary search in C. The binary search algorithm can be implemented as a recursive algorithm also.

 // File:     binsearch.c
 // Module:   Binary Search Example
 // Synopsis: Sample binary search code.
 // Author:	 sgasch
 // Created    28 May 1999
 #include "global.h"
 #include "debug.h"
 typedef int KEY;
 #define NOTFOUND -1
 extern int NumElements(KEY *x);  // to return the # of elements in an array
 // Function:  bsearch
 // Synopsis:  Search for the target value in an array.  Return the
 //            index on success and NOTFOUND, or -1, on failure.
 // Arguments: KEY kTarget - target value
 //            KEY *pkSearchspace - pointer to the search space
 // Returns:   DWORD
 // History:   sgasch Created Header    28 May 1999
 DWORD bsearch(KEY kTarget, KEY *pkSearchspace) 
 	BOOL fFound = NO;                        // have we found it yet?
 	DWORD dwFirst = 0;                       // search space starts at index zero
 	DWORD dwLast = NumElements(searchspace); // # of elements in search space
 	DWORD dwMidpoint;                        // current midpoint
 	// Check return value of NumElements and make precondition assertions
 	ASSERT(dwLast >= dwFirst);
 	// iterative implementation -- could also be done recursively
 	while ((dwFirst <= dwLast) && (!fFound)) 
 		// calculate the dwMidpoint of the current [sub]range
 		dwMidpoint = (dwFirst + dwLast) / 2;
 		// compare the target with the value of dwMidpoint element
 		if (pkSearchspace[dwMidpoint] == kTarget) 
 			fFound = YES;
 			// if the dwMidpoint is not the target adjust the range accordingly 
 			if (target < searchspace[dwMidpoint]) 
 				dwLast = dwMidpoint - 1;
 				dwFirst = dwMidpoint + 1;
 		// Return value
 		if (fFound) 

Scott Gasch